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Embracing the Art of Waiting: Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Growth in Uncertain Times

Do you find yourself constantly waiting for something? Whether it's a job, a relationship, or even a cancer diagnosis, waiting can be frustrating and anxiety-inducing. This episode of In The Rising ( explores the concept of waiting as a sensory activity, and how it affects our physical and mental well-being. We'll share insights on how to cope with waiting, the importance of self-compassion, and the benefits of deep breathing and meditation.

Discover how artists have uniquely explored the act of waiting, and learn how to transform waiting from a source of frustration into an opportunity for mindfulness and growth. Tune in and join us in embracing the art of waiting, as we support each other through the uncertain moments in our lives, especially for those going through or supporting someone through cancer. Together, let's make waiting less of a burden and more of a chance to reconnect with ourselves and our inner strength.

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