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How Paula Telizyn Overcame Challenges and Achieved Success in Business Ownership

In this episode of "In the Rising Podcast," ( host Bettina M Brown ( interviews Paula Telizyn, a successful business owner, author, and consultant. Paula shares her journey of transitioning from being a solopreneur to running her own business.

During the conversation, Paula talks about her experiences and the challenges she faced while building companies from scratch. She also shares valuable insights on how to overcome obstacles and achieve success in business ownership.

Bettina and Paula discuss the importance of having the courage and determination to become an entrepreneur. They explore the mindset required to leave a stable job and venture into the world of business.

This episode provides a fascinating and inspiring discussion for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, business ownership, and personal growth. Paula's story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and following your passion.

Tune in to hear Paula Telizyn's incredible journey and gain valuable knowledge about building a successful business on your own terms.

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