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Navigating the Trap of a Narcissist: Counteracting Fear, Obligation, and Guilt

Understanding The Narcissists Use Of Fog- Fear, Obligation, And Guilt

People with narcissistic behavior use fog (fear, obligation, and guilt) to keep the object of attention, not the person they love, care about or want to be with. If you are an object to any of these people, you're supposed to remain in fear, obligation, and guilt of making them feel special. Narcissist abuse does not only happen in intimate relationships. It can also happen in the workplace, in friendships, and families. We all want to belong, be loved, and feel special, but being obligated to retain and maintain the self-interests of another human being above everything else every single moment of your life is not love, and it’s not worth the sacrifice. 

Join the conversation with your host Bettina as she shares more about how narcissists use fear, obligation, and guilt to remain in control and how to move from confusion to clarity after a narcissist abuse. 

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:01] Intro and what in for you in today’s show

[00:53] What it means to be in a FOG (fear, obligation, and guilt)

[02:02] How people with narcissistic behavior used FOG to keep their object of attention

[04:17] How to recognize the narcissist personality disorder

[06:30] Narcissist abuse and how it presents in different spaces 

[08:41] How narcissists used fear, obligation, and guilt to remain in control 

[13:44] Making the decision to create a positive impact and difference in your life  

Notable Quotes 

• If narcissists don't see their behaviors as a problem, that leaves no space for you to grow because you are an object, not a person.
• Obligation to someone that says they love you but doesn't is very one-sided and very emotionally destructive for you.
• We can have compassion for another person because of what happened in their childhood or family, but we cannot minimize or deny narcissists’ abuse. 
• Living in fear, obligation, and guilt is living outside your purpose and calling. 

Narcissism article by PsychCentral (

Out of the Fog by Dana Mornigstar (

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