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Surviving Trauma and Reclaiming Identity: Antonia's Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery

Have you ever felt lost? Are you struggling to redefine your identity? Antonia ( , the author of 'Underwater Daughter,' certainly has. She shares her journey of surviving sexual abuse, a debilitating bike accident, and a battle with narcotics dependency with raw honesty and a dose of inspiration. Antonia reveals how writing became her lifeline, helping her re-craft her identity and make sense of her emotional landscape.

She speaks to the transformative power of words and the healing that can be found within them.

Moving into the heart of Antonia's recovery, she provides us with a profound understanding of the art of healing and self-discovery. Antonia reveals how she learned to shift perspectives, find strength in vulnerability, and turn her pain into a revolution of love. She takes us behind her book, 'Underwater Daughter,' offering a glimpse into her life and journey. Moreover, Antonia shares the resources that aided her recovery, from enlightening books to empowering workshops and counseling. This episode is for all those who have faced or are facing similar trials; Antonia's story is a testament that you are not alone, and you too can rise from the ashes.

This interview was organized by:
Peter Marchese
Playback Producers, LLC (

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