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The Power of Hormone Intelligence: Empowering Women's Health with Dr. Aviva Romm

Are you friends with your hormones?

Did you ever feel that you needed to be?

As women, we are often called "hormonal" if we make certain comments, or if we are perceived as "having an attitude." Sometimes, we state to ourselves that we are feeling "hormonal."

What does this mean though? Hormones are the enemy that we contend with from puberty through adulthood. This is responsible for the red blotches and acne that creep up right before photoshoots, or "Aunt Flo" comes on the day you wear your nice new crisp white pants to the picnic. 

What if we could stop our go-go-go lifestyle long enough to hear what our body is saying, and learn that these hormones are whispering to us. It is for us to hear them, and answer accordingly. With this, we can move forward with fewer mood swings, better weight control and a happier life.

I had the wonderful opportunity to interview Dr. Aviva Romm as she launches her latest book- Hormone Intelligence: Hormone Intelligence: The Complete Guide to Calming Hormone Chaos and Restoring Your Body's Natural Blueprint for Well-Being. (

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