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Harnessing the Power of Sleep for Cancer Recovery

Combatting insomnia while navigating the tumultuous waters of cancer treatment can feel like an uphill battle, but our latest episode offers an arsenal of strategies you can employ to reclaim your night's rest. Dr. Cassie Wilder, an eminent figure in integrative medicine, joins us to discuss how to recalibrate your stress hormones and foster habits that encourage sleep, laying the groundwork for a stronger, more resilient you during such critical times.

As we peel back the layers of sleep science, Dr. Wilder dispenses invaluable advice, from morning rituals that set the stage for a peaceful night to the transformative effects of a lavender-scented pillow. We also examine how sleep—or the lack thereof—can profoundly impact everything from our heart health to our gut, influencing our overall wellbeing. With each Tuesday release, our conversations aim to uplift and enlighten you on a journey that covers more than just health; it's about nurturing the mind and spirit, too. Join us and let's walk this path together, with Dr. Wilder's expertise to guide us through the darkness into a more restful state of being.

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